Villages - Agios Georgios

A few words about Agios Georgios..

Agios Georgios or Vizi, as called by the locals, is located on a hill in the northwestern part of the island and opposite Rachoni village.

Originally it was built higher on the mountain.  It is said that Mehmet Ali, the pasha of Egypt, used to live here.

Enjoy a walk through the small streets under the shade of the plane trees.

It has a few residents and only one taverna, which is open during summer.

It is suitable for anyone who would like tranquility and relaxation.

Agios Georgios

It has a few residents and only a taverna, which is open during summer.

Other sights nearby
Type : Villages
Area : Rachoni
Type : Beaches
Area : Rachoni
Type : Beaches
Area : Rachoni