Villages - Potamia

A few words about Potamia..

It took its name from the plentiful waters and the many small streams that pass though. 
Many of the residences are built following the traditional local architecture.

Polignotos Vagis was a famous local sculptor born in Potamia, whose sculptures are exhibited in the homonymous museum, founded in his honor.

Every year, on July 31st, revives the custom of ‘Anavrochiaris’ that is about appeasing to God in order to avoid the summer droughts.  For this purpose, someone covers himself with leaves and crosses the streets of the village while residents splashing him with water from the balconies.

On Sunday of Carnival, a very entertaining parade with makeshift chariots that satire current events and everyday life is organized.  Food, dance, wine and lots of fun are abundant during the event.

Explore the village’s natural beauty by following the path that leads to the top of mountain Ipsario (1208m) and observe the stars during the Astrocamping that is organized there every year.


Potamia is suited in the east area of Thassos and built on the foots of Ipsarion. It is surrounded by intense vegetation and has a wonderful view.

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Type : Museums
Area : Potamia
Type : Worth to visit
Area : Potamia
Type : Worth to visit
Area : Potamia